Washington’s Office of Military and Veteran Legal Assistance (OMVLA) announced a

centralized calendar of upcoming free legal aid clinics across Washington. These events are coordinated with community partners, providing qualifying military personnel and veterans with free assistance for a range of civil legal issues. The legal clinic schedule consolidates six months of events from multiple organizations at locations around the state. The schedule is available online at https://www.atg.wa.gov/veterans-military-personnel-calendar/month.
OMVLA created the coordinated calendar of events and opportunities so military service members and veterans have easy access to information about how to find legal help and resources. The calendar covers the first six months of 2020 and will be updated as more events are scheduled. The OMVLA website also features educational resources on laws that offer protections and benefits to military service members and veterans. Legal professionals interested in volunteer opportunities can also find information on how to sign up to serve the state’s military and veteran families. Legal assistance is consistently identified as a top unmet need of veterans, with the Legal Services Corporation recently estimating that over 70 percent of households with veterans or military personnel experience at least one civil legal problem every year. While such problems can be similar to those faced by the general population, military service members and veterans can also experience legal challenges that are the result of or complicated by their military service.